Pre-Recordings of Town Meeting Presentations 

In preparation for April Town Meeting, School and Town Staff have pre-recorded presentations that will be shared on our Town Website, Social Media and via RCTV. The presentations include an overview of the school budget from our Superintendent, Dr. Milaschewski, as well as a State of our Schools message from our School Committee Chair and Superintendent. Our Town Accountant and Town Manager have also pre-recorded presentations for the FY23 proposed budget, including revenue projections and an overview of expenses. Our Town Manager also pre-recorded an overview of the articles that will be discussed at this Town Meeting.

Members of our Community Planning & Development Commission (CPDC) will be pre-recording an overview of the zoning article, Article 15. We encourage all residents and Town Meeting members to view these recordings and reach out to our staff with any questions, comments, or suggestions. We look forward to seeing you in person at the Performance Arts Center on April 25!

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School Budget

Permanent Building Committee

FY23 Projected Revenues and Shared Costs

Article 15

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