Summer 2023 Workshops

Video Production: Students will gain video recording experience using RCTV’s professional camera equipment, as well as gain post-production skills such as; Celtx, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Photoshop. All of these skills will culminate into their own masterpiece worthy of television and/or YouTube. This class can be altered to fit the needs of intermediate and advanced video students.

Photography: Students will learn (or refresh themselves with) the basics of photography, including; camera settings, depth of field, shot composition, and movement. Students will navigate through many styles of photography, including; street photography, portraits, and food, to name a few! This class can be altered to fit the needs of intermediate and advanced photography students.

Filmmaking: Students will learn all the key elements of creating a film, such as; script writing, shot composition, lighting techniques, cinematography, and so much more, as you develop the skills of all the great filmmakers! This class can be altered to fit the needs of intermediate and advanced filmmaking students.

Screen Play for Actors: In this three-week* collaborative workshop, you will learn the skills it takes to perform for the big screen! You will study the screenplay, develop characters, shoot on location, and so much more as you learn the skills to make films.  This workshop will have a minimum of two field trips that will happen away from RCTV, as well as many off-location filming opportunities.  Final Red Carpet Movie Premiere will take place on Sunday, August 20, at RCTV Studios at 3:30pm.

*Students have the option of signing up for 2 or 3 weeks.

Screen Play for Crew: Sign up for one, two, or all three weeks! In this collaborative workshop, you will learn the skills it takes to create movies for the big screen! You will learn shot composition, lighting techniques, cinematography, and so much more as you develop the skills to make films. This workshop will have a minimum of two field trips that will happen away from RCTV, as well as many off-location filming opportunities.  Final Red Carpet Movie Premiere will take place on Sunday, August 20 at RCTV Studios at 3:30pm.

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